The grapes…

  • Aging

    Our wine is aged in neutral French oak barrels. After harvest, the grapes are crushed and is then aged for 9-10 months in the barrel. It is then racked twice wherein the barrels are cleaned and then the wine is added back in. After aging, the wine is blended back together and filtered before the bottling process.

  • Grenache

    Bright. Vibrant. Perfectly balanced with robust flavor, good acidity and moderate tannins, the grenache grape is the backbone of Tenemos’ flagship wine.

  • The Seasons

    Budbreak - late spring. The vines wake up from winter dormancy.
    Bloom - just before summer. when the grape clusters are first established on the vine.
    Verasion - normally mid-July, when the seeds inside the grapes becomes viable. The vines then uncamouflage the grapes so they can be recognized and eaten by birds and other animals.
    Harvest - late summer or early fall. Grenache is typically harvested in September when the grapes are sweetest, softest, and most delicate.